ESG Management
- Sustainability
- ESG Management
Sustainability Initiatives
1. Sustainability Initiatives
The Group will continue to grow together with our customers, both as a company and as individuals, and
contribute to society through essential business that provide substantial benefits to the world, and bring joy
to the world. Under this philosophy, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the
environment through our business activities, and corporate value in the medium to long term.
Our core B2B platform digitalizes BtoB transactions, serving as a crucial digital foundation that enables
users to enhance operational efficiency and elevate management. Recognizing the continued provision of
sustainable and stable services as our social mission, we will also accurately assess the economic and social
impacts of climate change, set appropriate goals under a resilient framework, and implement necessary
2. Investment in Human Capital
The Group believes that developing talent and enhancing morale are essential for achieving our management goals. Accordingly, we have established a clear vision of the ideal talent that aligns with our business strategy and will implement a basic policy centered around a comprehensive talent development plan, including career plans, training programs, and on-site education initiatives. In strengthening our talent development environment, we will particularly focus on nurturing leadership and transferring business development and operational know-how. Additionally, we will implement hiring measures that align with these development policies.
ESG Promotion Structure
Our Sustainability Committee is chaired by the President and CEO, and its members are selected based on their suitability to effectively address sustainability management. This Committee is responsible for formulating the Basic Sustainability Policy, building frameworks, setting and reviewing target indicators, as well as extracting necessary information and conducting research. It also plays a role in reporting to and making recommendations to the Board of Directors. Additionally, the purpose of establishing this Committee is to enhance and unify collaboration across multiple departments due to the cross-functional nature of the issues it addresses.
Sustainability Promotion Structure Diagram
Sustainability Promotion Structure and Roles
Workflow for long-term goals and progress on ESG challenges
Sustainability Committee Secretariat
Based on the Basic Sustainability Policy, gather information and prepare drafts of "target indicators (KPI)," "sustainability action plan," and "progress monitoring”.
Sustainability Committee
After discussing and examining the above draft proposals, the results are reported to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
Board of Directors (Executive Committee)
Discussion and examination of long-term goals and progress on ESG challenges, with directives for action as needed.
Sustainability Committee
Initiate response based on the discussion results (communicating policies to department heads, holding internal briefing sessions).
Internal dissemination measures
Conduct study sessions promoting awareness of SDGs within the Company
We conducted online study sessions for employees to promote an awareness of SDGs within the Company. This included a workshop with lectures on the basics of SDGs and a quiz to review the material. This allowed employees to discuss and share ideas on exploring further possibilities for our Company's contributions to the SDGs. Each employee deepened their understanding of the SDGs and reaffirmed their connection to our business.
Over 93% of employees reported a deepened understanding of the connection between our business and the SDGs
A follow-up survey revealed a satisfaction rate of approximately 96% for the study session, with about 93% of employees stating that their understanding of the connection between our business and the SDGs has deepened. The study session provided a greater level of understanding of SDGs among employees, including feedback such as “I learned about the close relationship between our company and SDGs”, “I gained more confidence in our products as services contributing to SDGs”, and “I acquired deeper knowledge about the SDGs”. A company must contribute to society through its business activities to continue to exist over the long term as a company playing an essential role in society. The Company will continue to contribute to solving customer and sustainable societal challenges through the growth of our employees and the provision of our BtoB platform.